Cântăre Lovely lord
Vizualizări: 196
Scrisa: BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/8831-lovely-lord]Lovely lord[/url]
You are filled with compassion and mercy and grace
With Your banner of love over me
I am longing to see You one day face to face
And to be with You endlessly
Lord, how lovely You are to me
Lovely Lord
You are all to me
Lovely Lord
Full of purity
Worthy of honor and majesty
Lord, how lovely You are to me
You are bright as the sunrise and fairest of all
Unto You all the glory will be
You are God of creation and Lord of my life
I will worship You faithfully
Lord, how lovely You are to me
Repeat Chorus
We will worship the name of the Holiest One
We will worship Your excellency
We will give You the glory
For things You have done
And be thankfully eternally
Lord, how lovely You are to me
Repeat Chorus
Lord, how lovely You are to me
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