Cântăre Jesus, friend of sinnersVizualizări: 198
Scrisa: marți, 30 octombrie 2012 la 22:34:14 BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/8859-jesus-friend-of-sinners]Jesus, friend of sinners[/url]
There is a voice that must be heard
There is a song that must be sung
There is a name that must be lifted high
There is a treasure more than gold
There is a king upon the throne
There is one whose praise will fill the skies
His name is Jesus, friend of sinners
Jesus, Jesus
Friend of mine
There is a peace that calms our fears
There is a love stronger than death
There is a hope that goes beyond the grave
There is a friend who won't let go
There is a heart that beats for you
There is one name by which we are saved
When I was captive to my fears
You were the one who came to me
You set me free
You set me free
Nu a fost notată încă!
Nu a primit aprecieri încă!
Nu a fost comentată încă!
meniu primIar tu, om al lui Dumnezeu, fugi de aceste lucruri, și caută neprihănirea, evlavia, credința, dragostea, răbdarea, blândețea. ( 1 Timotei 6:11 )