Cântăre Everything that has breath

Scrisa de: +Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 200
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/8879-everything-that-has-breath]Everything that has breath[/url]

Praise Him in the sanctuary

Praise Him in the mighty Heavens

Praise Him

All the earth praise Him

Praise Him in His awesome power

Praise His great and holy name

Praise Him

The whole world praise Him

From the rising of the sun

Let His praise be heard

From the east to the west

And the north to south

Let everything that has breath

Praise the Lord forever

Let everything in my soul

Praise the Lord
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meniu prim
Poţi descoperi de ce se teme cel mai mult duşmanul tău observând cu ce încearcă să te sperie. (Eric Hoffer)