Cântăre All
Vizualizări: 224
Scrisa: BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/8925-all]All[/url]
Verse 1:
You're the one who gives me shelter
and you're the light that leads me home
you're the love that gave forever
Lord you're all that I know
And all that I am.. unto you I surrender
Lord there is none like you
And I know that I stand.. in the arms of forever
Lord there is none like you
There is none like you
Verse 2:
With the world upon your shoulders
Lord you gave your life away
if the world I know was over
I know I'd have life in the price You paid
And I will stand..and I will worship You forever
For all You are
And I will stand..and all to you I will surrender
I'll worship you forever
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