Cântăre All about youVizualizări: 208
Scrisa: marți, 30 octombrie 2012 la 22:34:35 BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/8928-all-about-you]All about you[/url]
Hear our praises,
Hear Your people sing
Hear our hearts cry,
Your love is everything
And all will hear this sound
As the nations turn to You
And this will be our anthem
Cause we're all about You
And the world You promised
And all we have will give you praise
Cause we're all about You
And the world can't stop us
Living Your Way
Let our hearts break,
As we praise your name
Let the earth shake,
This is the sound of faith
And all will hear this sound
As the nations turn to You
And this will be our anthem
Cause we're all about You
And the world You promised
And all we have will give you praise
Cause we're all about You
And the world can't stop us
Living Your Way
And the walls will fall down
and religion will break
And the nations will hear this shout
Can you hear the sound of faith?
Cause we're all about You
Cause we're all about You
Cause we're all about You
And the world You promised
And all we have will give you praise
Cause we're all about You
And the world can't stop us
Living Your Way
Cause we're all about You
Cause we're all about You
And all the walls are falling down
As all the nations praise
And all the world will hear this shout
Can you hear the sound of faith?
Nu a fost notată încă!
Nu a primit aprecieri încă!
Nu a fost comentată încă!
meniu primReligia curată și neîntinată înaintea lui Dumnezeu, Tatăl nostru, este să cercetăm pe orfani și pe văduve în necazurile lor, și să ne păzim neîntinați de lume. ( Iacov 1:27 )