Cântăre Sincerely yours

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 195
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/8938-sincerely-yours]Sincerely yours[/url]

I've lived in my own way

And found that there's a price to pay

And I felt the emptiness

Without Your tenderness

Now before You I confess


Here is all I have to give

I offer up this life I live

I am sincerely Yours

Now in all sincerity

I give You all of me (Jesus)

I am sincerely Yours

This prodigal is standing here

Now with all my senses clear

For all You gave to me

I spent it foolishly

You've been waiting patiently

Now I feel the weight on me is lifting

You've washed away the past

And now there is a new day dawning

As long as I keep holding

As long as I keep holding fast

I am Sincerely Yours

Sincerely Yours
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