Devoțională The Final Victory

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 128
BBCode: [url=/devotionala/id/2557-the-final-victory]The Final Victory[/url]

The Final Victory


Today, all over the world, there are people facing situations which threaten to send everything they hold dear crashing to the ground. It may be the result of bad decisions or circumstances completely out of their control; but either way, they awoke in the middle of a whirlwind and absolutely cannot determine which direction to turn. There are many others who awoke tired and discouraged, and don't even know why. Today is much the same as others but they're questioning the usefulness of continuing.

I can make this bold prediction about today, not because I have any insight into this particular day or period of history, but because that is the nature of life. We live in an imperfect world filled with imperfect people. The result is a bunch of imperfect circumstances! Even when we begin to walk with Jesus we struggle with these imperfections which distract us and steal our joy.

Why begin a message on such a depressing note? First, we need to understand we're not alone. Many more people are struggling than we can possibly imagine. The need for encouragement is huge and will increase as the time of our Lord's return draws near. Next, we need to know how we can live a life of peace and how we can pass this peace to others.

When we place our faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, we don't receive the promise of a trouble free life - we receive the promise of an Eternal Life in the presence of God. Many of our troubles here on earth will remain, but an understanding of our eternal promise should encourage us as we shift our focus from life in terms of days and years, to life in terms of eternity; "For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all" (2 Corinthians 4:17).

Jesus saw these same struggles in His disciples. He wanted them to live a life of peace and contentment, but He also knew they would face many difficulties. After a night of teaching His disciples about their relationship with the Father through faith in His Son, Jesus gave them these words of encouragement:

John 16:33

"I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."

Jesus came to conquer sin and death through His sacrifice on the cross. When we come to Him in faith and receive the transforming gift of His Spirit, we ought to keep this truth at the front of ALL our thoughts: the battle has already been won! As we climb into the ring day after day - even as we grow weary, lose a few rounds and want to quit - let's always remember that through our risen Lord we have an eternal hope. Let's continue with the peace and assurance that in Christ we have been granted the final victory.

Have A Great Day!

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